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Jeff Russo - Legion '2017

ArtistJeff Russo Related artists
Album name Legion
Date 2017
Play time 1:15:01
Format / Bitrate Stereo 1420 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 175 MB
PriceDownload $1.95
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Tracks list

Jeff Russo began his career with Los Angeles-based adult alternative rockers
Tonic. Russo moved to L.A. in 1990 and formed Tonic with his friend Emerson
Hart. They had a hit right out of the box with 1996s Lemon Parade, which spawned
the irrepressible singles If You Could Only See and Open Up Your Eyes. Parade
went platinum and set up the release of 1999s Sugar. Tonics third album, 2002s
Head on Straight, received two Grammy nominations. The band was a great showcase
for Russos guitar work and songwriting, but by 2004 he was branching out. With
work continuing on his solo album -- which he was writing and playing in its
entirety -- the multifaceted Russo wrote a ballet, wrote music for commercials,
and got involved in producing.

01. Jeff Russo - Young David (5:06)
02. Jeff Russo - David in Clockworks (0:46)
03. Jeff Russo - 174 Hours (8:47)
04. Jeff Russo - Seeing Things Hearing Things (4:53)
05. Jeff Russo - Run (0:51)
06. Jeff Russo - David (6:31)
07. Jeff Russo - The Shift and Cascade (4:52)
08. Jeff Russo - The Caper 2 (3:28)
09. Jeff Russo - Legion Main Title (1:28)
10. Jeff Russo - 87 Days (8:33)
11. Jeff Russo - Open (3:11)
12. Jeff Russo - Almost Legion (4:11)
13. Jeff Russo - Levitate (2:29)
14. Jeff Russo - Clockworks (0:56)
15. Jeff Russo - Chaos and Madness (2:35)
16. Jeff Russo - David and Syd (3:11)
17. Jeff Russo - Choir and Crickets (2:21)
18. Jeff Russo - Tea and Memory (1:59)
19. Jeff Russo - David Redux (3:54)
20. Jeff Russo - Darkness (Full Suite) (5:01)

Jeff Russo - Discography (2014-2016)

Jeff Russo

