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Jan Bang - Narrative from the Subtropics '2014

Narrative from the Subtropics
ArtistJan Bang Related artists
Album name Narrative from the Subtropics
Date 2014
GenreJazz; New Age; World
Play time 41:11 min
Format / Bitrate 24 BIT Stereo 2429 Kbps / 96 kHz
Media WEB
Size 155; 667 MB
PriceDownload $5.95
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Tracks list

„Narrative from the Subtropics“ is an esoteric, yet remarkably
attractive set of compositions from Norwegian producer, composer and electronic
musician Jan Bang. Featuring Nils Petter Molvaer, Arve Henriksen, Tigran
Hamasyan, Sidsel Endresen and Lars Danielsson.

Recorded over a period of three years, this set of thirteen miniatures includes
a stellar roster of musicians. The delicate trumpet of Nils Petter Molvaer and
synthesizer programming of Erik Honoré on Funeral Voyage, the naked trumpet
and vocals on Sinking Ship courtesy of Arve Henriksen, and contributions from
the two equally distinctive guitarists Eivind Aarset and Stian Westerhus. The
genuinely unique singer Sidsel Endresen appears on the Undark/Russell Mills
collaboration Tide where Erik Honoré contributes with a field recording along
with the sparse double bass of Swede, Lars Danielsson.

The Armenian pianist Tigran Hamasyan contacted Bang to record on his solo album
and, in return, Hamasyan was invited back by Bang to contribute on Singers
Childhood, a traditional Estonian song. This led to an ongoing relationship with
musicians in Tallinn, including guitarist and member of Weekend Guitar Trio,
Robert Jurjendal who also introduced Bang to the traditional singer and kannel
player, Tuule Kann. Both are present, on Singers Childhood, which was recorded
in both Tallinn and Paris, with editing and final mixing performed at Bans Punkt
studio in Kristiansand.

Jan Bang, Akai sampler (1-13), programming (1-7, 9-13), synthesizer (3, 5), mpc
(7), dictaphone (7), kaoss pad (10)
Nils Chr. Moe Repstad, voice
Eivind Aarset, sampled guitar (2), guitars (3, 5, 7), bass (7)
Sidsel Endresen, vocal (3, 9)
Lars Danielsson, double bass (3)
Undark, organ (3)
Erik Honoré, field crickets (3), synthesizer (7)
Arve Henriksen, sampled trumpet (4), trumpet (6, 8, 11)
Tuule Kann, vocal (6), kannel (6)
Tigran Hamasyan, piano (6)
Robert Jürjendal, guitars (6)
Stian Westerhus, sampled guitar (6), guitar (8)
Nils Petter Molvæe, trumpet (7)
Dai Fujikara, piano (9), electronics (9), cello samples (12)
David Soler, sampled guitar (11)

01. Jan Bang - Iron Balcony (1:01)
02. Jan Bang - Singers Ashes (3:01)
03. Jan Bang - Tide (3:43)
04. Jan Bang - Smashing Windows (1:47)
05. Jan Bang - The Deep Serene (2:29)
06. Jan Bang - Singers Childhood (5:22)
07. Jan Bang - Funeral Voyage (5:30)
08. Jan Bang - Interlude (night Creatures) (1:18)
09. Jan Bang - Melee of Suitcase (4:09)
10. Jan Bang - Artificial Reeves (3:11)
11. Jan Bang - Sinking Ship (4:10)
12. Jan Bang - Flooded Corridors (3:00)
13. Jan Bang - Lifeboat (2:30)

Jan Bang

