Pola & Bryson - Unsaid '2017
Artist | Pola & Bryson Related artists |
Album name | Unsaid |
Country | |
Date | 2017 |
Genre | Drum & Bass |
Play time | 00:20:57 |
Format / Bitrate | Stereo 1420 Kbps
/ 44.1 kHz MP3 320 Kbps |
Media | CD |
Size | 48,73 MB / 149,62 MB |
Price | Download $1.95 |
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Tracklist: [5:32] 01. Pola & Bryson - Delphic Underworld [5:06] 02. Pola & Bryson - Unsaid (feat. Blake) [5:11] 03. Pola & Bryson - Hyperborean (feat. Data 3) [5:08] 04. Pola & Bryson - Mind Seasons Review: Shogun young bucks Pola and Bryson find their way back into our lives with their second EP of the year. Once again its four tracks. Once again its deep, restrained and covers a lot of bases. Once again youll be hyping up crowds and wooing up your lover... Delphic Underworld is a heads-down hypnotiser, Unsaid is a soft-focus vocal cut that makes you feel all mushy inside, Hyperborean reveals a much darker underbelly to the UK duo with its groaning bass tones while Mind Seasons closes with a weave of drifting pianos and subtly sinister bass.
Pola & Bryson