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Grateful Dead - Infrared Roses (Live) '1991

Infrared Roses (Live)
ArtistGrateful Dead Related artists
Album name Infrared Roses (Live)
Date 1991
Play time 58:26
Format / Bitrate Stereo 1420 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 143 / 325 MB
PriceDownload $2.95
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Tracks list


1. Crowd Sculpture (Live) (2:21)
2. Parellelogram (Live) (5:06)
3. Little Nemo in Nightland (Live) (6:18)
4. Riverside Rhapsody (Live) (3:55)
5. Post-Modern High Rise Table Top Stomp (Live) (4:23)
6. Infrared Roses (Live) (5:39)
7. Silver Apples of the Moon (Live) (5:42)
8. Speaking in Swords (Live) (3:29)
9. Magnesium Night Light (Live) (5:31)
10. Sparrow Hawk Row (Live) (3:24)
11. River of Nine Sorrows (Live) (4:26)
12. Apollo at the Ritz (Live) (8:16)

Grateful Dead



Live album
