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Anthéne - Weightless '2019

ArtistAnthéne Related artists
Album name Weightless
Date 2019
Play time 34:57 min
Format / Bitrate Stereo 1420 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 145 MB
PriceDownload $1.95
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As we open up our tenth year in existence, we are so happy to be releasing a
work of personal significance for Brad Deschamps. His work as anthéne has
established him as a unique voice in the ambient community for his beautifully
grainy ambient textures, filled with subtle melodies and inherent warmth. Known
for his lovely cassette work on his own Polar Seas imprint, anthéne has made
an album that is thoughtful and refreshing; an album that is the perfect
antidote to the harshest of winters. 

Written before the birth of his baby daughter, weightless was made as an album
for her to sleep to. With its slow-burning melodies and calming dusty noise
fragments, it is such a cathartic and organic work. The greatest of ambient and
minimal music often appears so simple in essence when it is anything but when
you delve in, and in the aptly titled ‘weightless’ anthéne has
really made a very special work of heart here, with the lightest and most
careful of touches. 

Please enjoy this wonderful new album in all its sleepy winter glory.

01. Anthéne - Tethers
02. Anthéne - Silver Screen
03. Anthéne - Wake
04. Anthéne - Coat of Arms
05. Anthéne - Etc.
06. Anthéne - Hours
07. Anthéne - Wind Catcher
08. Anthéne - Saphi

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