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Eric Serra - Léon - The Professional '2014

Léon - The Professional
ArtistEric Serra Related artists
Album name Léon - The Professional
Date 2014
Play time 1:04:06
Format / Bitrate 24 BIT Stereo 1420 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
Media CD
Size 335 / 659 Mb
PriceDownload $5.95
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Tracks list


01. Noon (4:02)
02. Cute Name (3:29)
03. Ballad for Mathilda (2:15)
04. Whats Happening out There ? (3:05)
05. A Bird in New York (1:21)
06. She Is Dead (1:31)
07. Fatman (5:16)
08. Leon the Cleaner (1:50)
09. Can I Have a Word With You ? (1:14)
10. The Game Is Over (1:36)
11. Feel the Breath (3:18)
12. Room 4602 (1:17)
13. Very Special Delivery (2:42)
14. When Leon Does His Best (2:11)
15. Back On the Crime Scene (2:33)
16. Birds of Storm (1:38)
17. Tony the Ibm (1:57)
18. How Do You Know Its Love ? (1:29)
19. The Fight (Part 1: the Swat Squad) (2:30)
20. The Fight (Part 2: Bring Me Everyone) (4:34)
21. The Fight (Part 3: the Big Weapon) (3:03)
22. The Fight (Part 4: One Is Alive) (3:15)
23. Two Ways Out (3:11)
24. Hey Little Angel (4:48)