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Jill Barber - Metaphora '2018

ArtistJill Barber Related artists
Album name Metaphora
Date 2018
Play time 00:29:16
Format / Bitrate 24 BIT Stereo 2429 Kbps / 96 kHz
Media WEB
Size 576 mb
PriceDownload $4.95
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Tracks list

01. The Woman
02. Girls Gotta Do
03. I Hooked Your Heart
04. Bigger Than You
05. Mercy
06. Clumsy Heart
07. Cage Without a Key
08. Love Is
09. Hold On

A bold entre into the world of contemporary pop music, resulting in a Jill
Barber weve never heard before. Metaphora showcases her power and vulnerability
as both an artist and a woman. Evolving over the course of many albums from folk
to jazz, R & B and pop, Jills success is defined not by genre, but by her
undeniable songwriting chops and distinctive voice. Metaphora is a continuation
of Barbers musical story that confidently tackles everything from issues of
empowerment, sexual politics, the complications of love, and depression. Its
introspective and personal. Its also a dance party. Mutual friendships and
living on the same street led Jill to sit down with Ryan Guldemond, the
enigmatic lead singer of Mother Mother, for inspiration and creativity. Ryans
commitment to Jill and unwavering enthusiasm garnered co-writing credits on four
of the nine songs on Metaphora, including the instantly catchy lead single,
Girls Gotta Do, a hook-filled and very timely call to arms that aims to
challenge the patriarchal status quo, as we usher in a new era of equality says
Barber. Writing with Ryan was a big departure for me, and very exciting. Hes
extremely creative and not afraid to push my creative boundaries recalls Barber.
The sessions became part songwriting and part therapy because I was writing
about things that felt pretty raw; politics, sexism, being a mother. I started
to realize that this was going to be a very different kind of album for me. I
had more that I needed to say and Ryan helped bring that out with his uncanny
knack for melody and song structure. Metaphoras opening track, The Woman with
its pounding bass drum generates a sense of anticipation, an urgent heartbeat
for what is next to come from the fearless multi-Juno nominated performer. Its a
song about how a woman is

Jill Barber
