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Ra Ra Riot - Live in Kyoto 2010 '2020

Live in Kyoto 2010
ArtistRa Ra Riot Related artists
Album name Live in Kyoto 2010
Date 2020
Play time 00:40:39
Format / Bitrate Stereo 1420 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 93 mb | 285 mb
PriceDownload $2.95
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Tracks list


01. Too Dramatic (Live in Kyoto 2010) 
02. Run My Mouth (Live in Kyoto 2010) 
03. St. Peters Day Festival (Live in Kyoto 2010) 
04. Can You Tell (Live in Kyoto 2010) 
05. Introduction (Live in Kyoto 2010) 
06. Too Too Too Fast (Live in Kyoto 2010) 
07. Ghost Under Rocks (Live in Kyoto 2010)
08. Each Year (Live in Kyoto 2010) 
09. Dying Is Fine (Live in Kyoto 2010) 
10. Boy (Live in Kyoto 2010) 
11. Thank You (Live in Kyoto 2010) 
12. Oh, la (Live in Kyoto 2010) 

Ra Ra Riot
