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Mark Snow - Private Fears In Public Places (Coeurs): Original Motion Picture Soundtrack '2022

Private Fears In Public Places (Coeurs): Original Motion Picture Soundtrack
ArtistMark Snow Related artists
Album name Private Fears In Public Places (Coeurs): Original Motion Picture Soundtrack
Date 2022
Play time 49:01
Format / Bitrate Stereo 1420 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 258 MB
PriceDownload $2.95
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featuring music composed by Mark Snow for the 2007 film directed by the great
Alain Resnais (Mon oncle d'Amérique, Providence, Hiroshima mon amour),
adapted from the play by Alan Ayckbourn, starring Sabine Azéma, Isabelle
Carré, Laura Morante, Pierre Arditi, André Dussollier and Lambert Wilson.

PRIVATE FEARS IN PUBLIC PLACES aka COEURS is the 47th feature film for director
Alain Resnais, a veteran of the French New Wave of films produced in the
1950’s and 1960’s, remembered for films such as NIGHT AND FOG,
is a French adaptation of a British play entitled PUBLIC FEARS IN PRIVATE PLAYS,
written by Alan Ayckbourn. The film explores six lonely people struggling to
find or maintain meaningful relationships whose individual lives eventually
intersect during a snowy Parisian winter. PRIVATE FEARS IN PUBLIC PLACES was
nominated for Cesar Awards (France’s equivalent of the Oscar), including
Best Score and Best Director.

Primarily known for his work in the medium of television, including many seasons
of music scoring for shows such as THE X-FILES, MILLENNIUM, SMALLVILLE, GHOST
WHISPERER, NOWHERE MAN and many others, Mark Snow is considered one of
television’s most capable composers. The large percentage of his musical
output has centered around the subjects of the supernatural, the macabre and
outright science fiction or dark fantasy and a wistful, melancholy romantic
drama like PRIVATE FEARS IN PUBLIC PLACES is the last project one would expect
to hire him for but, as fate would have it, Alain Resnais was a fan of THE
X-FILES and had long ago been taken by the composer’s scoring, especially
its darkly atmospheric and melodic turns. For PRIVATE FEARS IN PUBLIC PLACES,
Mark Snow has written a sublimely atmospheric musical score for a film that is
intriguing, enigmatic, ultimately pessimistic but one that remains profoundly
touching and affecting. The score exhibits many of the expressive, melodic
moments that Snow invested into segments of his scores for THE X-FILES and
MILLENNIUM. With  PRIVATE FEARS IN PUBLIC PLACES, Mark Snow joins the ranks of
Stephen Sondheim, Miklos Rozsa, Georges Delerue and many other legendary
composers who have been inspired by the films of Alain Resnais.

Mark Snow has worked on more than a hundred television movies and series, PC
games and feature films including THE X-FILES, MILLENNIUM, SMALLVILLE, GHOST
film. Mark has been nominated for 14 Primetime Emmy awards since 1984 and won at
least 19 ASCAP awards. The composer is also a founding member of the legendary
New York Rock'n'Roll ensemble, along with fellow composer Michael Kamen. The
band was signed to Atlantic Records and Mark toured and recorded with them for 5
years before turning his focus to writing music for film and television.

1.01 - Mark Snow - Coeurs: Main Theme (3:39)
1.02 - Mark Snow - Empty Rooms and Lonely Lives (1:29)
1.03 - Mark Snow - Repressed Feelings (2:36)
1.04 - Mark Snow - Going Out (1:46)
1.05 - Mark Snow - The Girl with the Red Rose (2:18)
1.06 - Mark Snow - Secret Desires (2:45)
1.07 - Mark Snow - Leaving the Office (1:20)
1.08 - Mark Snow - Sexy Dress & High Heels (1:48)
1.09 - Mark Snow - Trying to Connect (2:03)
1.10 - Mark Snow - A Tender Interlude (1:29)
1.11 - Mark Snow - A Walk in the Snow (0:36)
1.12 - Mark Snow - Of What Might Have Been (1:53)
1.13 - Mark Snow - Waiting at the Restaurant (0:53)
1.14 - Mark Snow - Lost Souls (2:17)
1.15 - Mark Snow - True Feelings (2:44)
1.16 - Mark Snow - Moving Apart (2:33)
1.17 - Mark Snow - Things to Do (1:11)
1.18 - Mark Snow - Father Passed Away (1:27)
1.19 - Mark Snow - More Bad Thoughts (0:47)
1.20 - Mark Snow - Three Lonely Women (3:44)
1.21 - Mark Snow - Choices (3:18)
1.22 - Mark Snow - Finis (3:15)
1.23 - Mark Snow - Coeurs: End Credits (3:09)