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Rumjacks, The - Split '2022

ArtistRumjacks, The Related artists
Album name Split
Date 2022
Play time 00:18:10
Format / Bitrate Stereo 1420 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 43; 132 MB
PriceDownload $1.95
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       Front cover image was taken by Peter Marlow in 1979 in Derry, Northern
Ireland. Ten years after the arrival of British troops in the province. The
barricades are once more dividing Catholics and Protestants in areas of Belfast
and Londonderry.

Celtic-Punk bands The Rumjacks and Flatfoot 56 (Chicago, USA) have come together
for an old-fashioned ‘Split EP’ taking 3 songs a piece on this new
Since the beginning of recordings being pressed onto vinyl wax, bands have been
coming together in pairs and choosing either Side A, or Side B to release their
new songs.
In this case The Rumjacks get Side A, and Flatfoot 56 get Side B.
EP is out Friday May 6th - the band will be touring in USA through May together

1.01 - The Rumjacks - Whitecaps (2:29)
1.02 - The Rumjacks - Fifth Ward Firestorm (2:05)
1.03 - The Rumjacks - What Was Your Name in the States? (2:26)
1.04 - Flatfoot 56 - Mud (4:47)
1.05 - Flatfoot 56 - Sorry (3:46)
1.06 - Flatfoot 56 - Trouble (2:39)

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