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Kayhan Kalhor - Kula Kulluk Kula Kulluk YakiÅŸir Mi (Live In Bursa / 2011) Mi '2013

Kula Kulluk Kula Kulluk YakiÅŸir Mi (Live In Bursa / 2011) Mi
ArtistKayhan Kalhor Related artists
Album name Kula Kulluk Kula Kulluk YakiÅŸir Mi (Live In Bursa / 2011) Mi
Date 2013
GenrePersian Classical
Play time 00:59:54
Format / Bitrate Stereo 1420 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 356 MB
PriceDownload $2.95
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       It has been nearly a decade since Kayhan Kalhor and Erdal Erzincan
recorded The Wind for ECM. During that long interval, the pair have played
together so often, they appear to have perfected a musical language that walks
not only between various musical traditions but through them simultaneously,
coming through the other side with something timeless. Kalhor is an Iranian
master of the kamancheh (spike fiddle). He has a relentlessly mercurial musical
mind. It's been displayed not only in his work as a solo artist, with the duo
Ghazal, and the ensemble Dastan, but also in Yo-Yo Ma's Silk Road Ensemble.
Erzincan is regarded as the greatest living practitioner of the Anatolian
baglama tradition (it is also called a saz, a long-necked lute type of
instrument), and like his partner here, possesses a wildly adventurous spirit,
not only in moving from Turkish folk and Western classical traditions with
seamless ease, but also as an improviser. Kula Kulluk Yakisir Mi was recorded
live in 2011. Its title is taken from the folk song by the late prolific Turkish
folk musician Muhlis Akarsu. It translates loosely as "How unseemly it is to
follow anyone slavishly." Other than this duo's glorious version of that song
and a thematic reprise of "The Wind," everything here is either built upon --
but never stays chained to -- traditional folk songs or consists of outright
improvisations that come from nothing, engage both Persian and Turkish folk
traditions, and emerge as a deeply emotional music that is unclassifiable. While
everything here feels like it is of a piece -- the performance never seems to
stop -- it doesn't necessarily sound like it. There are poignant silences within
these arrangements, where the individual or paired instruments resonate as if to
underscore meaning, either directly intended by a piece or intuited from it --
check the two-minute mark of the traditional "Alli Turnam," where the theme
trails off, is followed by a naturally echoing space, and then turns back on
itself to speak of the troublesome historical present even as it addresses a
more innocent past. None of the five improvisations here reaches four minutes.
The degree of intuitive interplay is so high, it is almost impossible not to
regard these as formal works. They are informed by the traditional songs that
precede them and foreshadow those that follow, as they shift and transform songs
into sounds that are both beguilingly strange and ancient -- familiar in the
body's cellular memory and in the heart's present moment. The final nine
minutes, entitled "Intertwining Melodies," weave four traditional songs and
become an extended improvisation upon them all, even as they are united in one
flowing river of sound, history, and mystery. Kula Kulluk Yakisir Mi is
outstanding for its depth and truly masterful execution, but more than this, it
is revelatory in the way it connects players to one another inside the music,
and listeners to both musicians and sound, as it evokes emotions that are far
beyond the reach of words.

1 01. Kayhan Kalhor - Improvisation I (Live In Bursa / 2011) (05:29)
1 02. Kayhan Kalhor - Allı Turnam (Live In Bursa / 2011) (05:43)
1 03. Kayhan Kalhor - Improvisation II (Live In Bursa / 2011) (03:23)
1 04. Kayhan Kalhor - Deli DerviÅŸ (Live In Bursa / 2011) (04:11)
1 05. Kayhan Kalhor - Daldalan Barı (Live In Bursa / 2011) (06:18)
1 06. Kayhan Kalhor - Improvisation III (Live In Bursa / 2011) (03:00)
1 07. Kayhan Kalhor - Kula Kulluk Yakışır Mı (Live In Bursa / 2011)
1 08. Kayhan Kalhor - Improvisation IV (Live In Bursa / 2011) (03:45)
1 09. Kayhan Kalhor - Improvisation V (Live In Bursa / 2011) (02:14)
1 10. Kayhan Kalhor - The Wind (Live In Bursa / 2011) (07:31)
1 11. Kayhan Kalhor - Intertwining Melodies (Live In Bursa / 2011) (09:19) 

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