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K.O.G - Zone 6, Agege '2022

Zone 6, Agege
ArtistK.O.G Related artists
Album name Zone 6, Agege
Date 2022
Play time 58:51
Format / Bitrate 24 BIT Stereo 2820 Kbps / 82.2 kHz
Media WEB
Size 360 MB; 1.1 GB
PriceDownload $9.95
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Tracks list

       Zone 6, Agege - the album title, K.O.G. shares, refers to a little
coastal suburb in Accra the capital of Ghana, where he "grew up and the vibe,
culture and social structures enhanced and developed my creativity and love for
art," adding that the album is his "ode or a tribute to my nature, nurture and
future" is his first solo release for Heavenly Sweetness. It was recorded in
November, 2020 at Yellow Arch studios (Sheffield) by David Haynes and produced
by Tom Excell and Guts.

Two years ago, K.O.G. released Wahala, Wahala (the album title, Swahili for
trouble, or problem, also on Heavenly Sweetness) with The Zongo Brigade. Zone 6
Agege is a dramatic development: as much homage to the Accra-born artist's
musical roots, as an expansive engagement with music of the Black Atlantic, most
notably hip-hop and dub/reggae.

1.01 - K.O.G - Intro (2:21)
1.02 - K.O.G - Mayedeen (3:34)
1.03 - K.O.G - Like a Tree (6:10)
1.04 - K.O.G - Shidaa (4:00)
1.05 - K.O.G - Hewale (Interlude) (1:34)
1.06 - K.O.G - Lord Knows (5:35)
1.07 - K.O.G - Heritage (Interlude) (1:45)
1.08 - K.O.G - No Way (4:12)
1.09 - K.O.G - Ayinye (3:40)
1.10 - K.O.G - Adakatia (3:30)
1.11 - K.O.G - Ebenezer (5:20)
1.12 - K.O.G - Spirits (4:21)
1.13 - K.O.G - Immigration (2:55)
1.14 - K.O.G - Gbelemo (5:13)
1.15 - K.O.G - Yaa Yaa (4:43) 

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