Knxwledge. - 家.V1 '2022
Artist | Knxwledge. Related artists |
Album name | 家.V1 |
Country | |
Date | 2022 |
Genre | Instrumental Hip-Hop |
Play time | 40:01 |
Format / Bitrate | 24 BIT Stereo 1720 Kbps / 48 kHz |
Media | WEB |
Size | 219 mb / 447 mb |
Price | Download $3.95 |
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Tracklist 1. adoreu (04:48) 2. rokit (08:16) 3. mysterious_ (06:56) 4. krossing (01:34) 5. weak (04:08) 6. gardens_ (06:09) 7. takemebk (04:06) 8. inhere (04:04)