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Frank Turner - FTHC (Deluxe) '2022

FTHC (Deluxe)
ArtistFrank Turner Related artists
Album name FTHC (Deluxe)
Date 2022
Play time 64:41
Format / Bitrate 24 BIT Stereo 2429 Kbps / 96 kHz
Media WEB
Size 152 / 457 MB / 1.32 GB
PriceDownload $8.95
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Tracks list


1. Non Serviam (2:00)
2. The Gathering (2:40)
3. Haven't Been Doing So Well (3:17)
4. Untainted Love (2:54)
5. Fatherless (2:41)
6. My Bad (1:44)
7. Miranda (4:01)
8. A Wave Across A Bay (3:44)
9. The Resurrectionists (2:43)
10. Punches (3:04)
11. Perfect Score (2:30)
12. The Work (3:33)
13. Little Life (3:36)
14. Farewell To My City (4:14)
15. The Zeitbeast (3:58)
16. The House Where I Was Raised (3:58)
17. Haven't Been Doing So Well (3:17)
18. A Wave Across A Bay (3:50)
19. Punches (2:59)
20. The Work (4:11)