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Rahsaan Roland Kirk - Europe Live 1970 '2022

Europe Live 1970
ArtistRahsaan Roland Kirk Related artists
Album name Europe Live 1970
Date 2022
GenreHard Bop
Play time 00:49:56
Format / Bitrate Stereo 1420 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 313 MB
PriceDownload $2.95
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       There is an eccentric image associated with Rashaan Roland Kirk, the
blind reed maestro who played three instruments at the same time, incorporated
humor into his solos and politicized his speech. From an early age, his career
was carried by the novelties he offered – at age 15 he was on the road
playing with Boyd Moore's band, tearing up the joint each night with his
virtuoso, two-horn solos. Yet, his place within the pantheon of jazz history is
defined simply by serious, hard-earned musicianship. It was Kirk's sound that
remained in people's memories: a muscular, daring timbre that painted unique
exploratory soundscapes. 

Here in Paris he is joined by the stellar cast of Vibration Society for a
performance that represents a high point in his playing style. 1970 was the year
he added "Rashaan" to his name after hearing it in a dream, a word that
symbolized his own values (strength, humor, nobility) and he was moving into one
of the most politically-engaged, active periods of his career. By the mid-70s
his health deteriorated and a series of strokes pulled him from the stage for
good. This performance starts with "Sweet Fire," a dreamy epic that oscillates
between floating bliss and red hot horn blowing.

1.01 - Rahsaan Roland Kirk - Sweet Fire (Live) (15:56)
1.02 - Rahsaan Roland Kirk - Make Me A Pallet On The Floor (Live) (8:53)
1.03 - Rahsaan Roland Kirk - Charlie Parker Medley (Live) (6:51)
1.04 - Rahsaan Roland Kirk - Volunteer Slavery (Live) (11:42)
1.05 - Rahsaan Roland Kirk - You Did It, You Did It (Live) (4:46)
1.06 - Rahsaan Roland Kirk - Satin Doll (Live) (1:50) 

Rahsaan Roland Kirk



Live album