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Joanna Wang - House of Bullies '2016

House of Bullies
ArtistJoanna Wang Related artists
Album name House of Bullies
Date 2016
GenrePop Rock
Play time 47:56
Format / Bitrate 24 BIT Stereo 1420 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
Media WEB
Size 284 / 525 Mb
PriceDownload $4.95
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Tracks list


01. The Tale Begins 故事的開始 (0:29)
02. Isn't It Exciting? 這不是很令人興奮嗎
03. My Belly Really Aches 消化不良 (3:19)
04. Scary Cousins 可怕的表兄弟 (1:43)
05. The Rightful Heir 正當繼承人 (4:49)
06. when you dream in technicolor (Inst.)
當你做著technicolor的夢 (演奏曲)
07. Inside the Mind of a Chicken 公雞的腦海裡 (3:39)
08. The Greatest Stink 最大的惡臭 (3:36)
09. The Art of Bullying 霸凌的藝術 (3:30)
10. Intermission (Looney Galop) 中場休息
(瘋癲快步舞) (0:34)
11. When You Dream in Technicolor
當你做著Technicolor的夢 (3:14)
12. Meanest Kids in Town 鎮上最壞的小孩 (2:53)
13. Run Away From Home! 離家出走!(2:34)
14. The Cult Leaderr 新興宗教教主 (1:59)
15. Liar 騙子 (2:44)
16. Senile Rock 失智搖滾 (4:35)
17. Mom and Dad Don't Understand 爸媽不了解 (1:37)
18. Pick of the Litter 最優秀的孩子 (4:08)

Joanna Wang
