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Kikagaku Moyo - Forest of Lost Children '2021

Forest of Lost Children
ArtistKikagaku Moyo Related artists
Album name Forest of Lost Children
Date 2021
Play time 31:03
Format / Bitrate Stereo 1420 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 207 MB
PriceDownload $1.95
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Tracks list

       Kikagaku Moyo here sound anything but lost, their child-like wonder
manifested in a confident, courageous exploration of sound. Labels –
psychedelic, folk, prog-rock, psychedelic-folk-mixed-with-prog-rock – do
little to accurately reflect the spectrum of influences on display, let alone
the more impactful realization of completeness in Kikagaku Moyo’s songs.

1.01 - Kikagaku Moyo - Semicircle (3:16)
1.02 - Kikagaku Moyo - Kodama (4:21)
1.03 - Kikagaku Moyo - Smoke and Mirrors (7:16)
1.04 - Kikagaku Moyo - Streets of Calcutta (3:56)
1.05 - Kikagaku Moyo - Hem (3:51)
1.06 - Kikagaku Moyo - White Moon (8:24)

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