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Jimmie Dale Gilmore - Come On Back '2005

Come On Back
ArtistJimmie Dale Gilmore Related artists
Album name Come On Back
Date 2005
Play time 38:54
Format / Bitrate Stereo 1420 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 238 MB
PriceDownload $1.95
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Tracks list

       Jimmie Dale Gilmore's first two albums were high-spirited honky tonk
sessions that owed more to the great Texas dance hall tradition than the Zen
cowboy leanings of Gilmore's masterpiece, 1991's After Awhile. To many listeners
it probably seemed that the latter album was a more personal and heartfelt
project than his earlier sides -- but then again, maybe it wasn't. Come on Back,
Gilmore's seventh solo album, is a set of covers very much in the spirit of his
debut set, Fair and Square, but a reading of Gilmore's liner notes offers a
wealth of perspective on what these songs mean to him. Come on Back was recorded
in tribute to Jimmie Dale's late father, Brian Gilmore, an amateur guitar picker
who, as his son puts it, "accorded one class of people an exalted level of
esteem that bordered on reverence" -- musicians and songwriters. Brian Gilmore
loved the great country songs of the 1940s and '50s, which Jimmie Dale describes
as "simple, well-crafted, unpretentious little gems from a wonderfully creative
period in American commercial music." And while Jimmie Dale Gilmore may not have
written a note of music on Come on Back, his performances of these songs, which
speak clearly of the complexities of life and love as expressed in simple but
eloquent terms, never fail to hit the proper grace note. This disc's many lovely
moments document not just how Gilmore's love for this music was passed on to him
by his father, but how the lessons he learned from his family are reflected in
the home truths of these tunes. None of this is to suggest that Come on Back is
a dark, or morbid record; the joy in this music is palpable, Gilmore is in
superb voice on these sessions, and Joe Ely's production is as fine as it is
unobtrusive. Though he's a gifted songwriter, Gilmore has always been a fine
interpretive singer as well, and the full depth of his vocal talent is on
display on Come on Back -- without reading his deeply moving liner notes, this
sounds like an excellent collection of classic country and folk standards.
Listen again after reading his essay, and you hear a tribute to a life well
lived, and the many ways his father's life shaped his own. Come on Back is a
quietly extraordinary album, and Gilmore's finest work since After Awhile.

1.01 - Jimmie Dale Gilmore - Pick Me Up On Your Way Down (3:00)
1.02 - Jimmie Dale Gilmore - Saginaw, Michigan (3:17)
1.03 - Jimmie Dale Gilmore - Standin' On The Corner (Blue Yodel No. 9) (2:59)
1.04 - Jimmie Dale Gilmore - Don't Let The Stars Get In Your Eyes (2:07)
1.05 - Jimmie Dale Gilmore - Four Walls (3:33)
1.06 - Jimmie Dale Gilmore - I'll Never Get Out Of This World Alive (2:59)
1.07 - Jimmie Dale Gilmore - Walking The Floor Over You (2:24)
1.08 - Jimmie Dale Gilmore - I'm Movin' On (3:01)
1.09 - Jimmie Dale Gilmore - Don't Worry 'Bout Me (3:16)
1.10 - Jimmie Dale Gilmore - Train Of Love (3:36)
1.11 - Jimmie Dale Gilmore - Jimmie Brown The Newsboy (2:15)
1.12 - Jimmie Dale Gilmore - Gotta Travel On (3:42)
1.13 - Jimmie Dale Gilmore - Peace In The Valley (3:02) 

Jimmie Dale Gilmore
