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Cleo Laine - Palladium Jazz Date (Remastered) '1961/2022

Palladium Jazz Date (Remastered)
ArtistCleo Laine Related artists
Album name Palladium Jazz Date (Remastered)
Date 1961/2022
Play time 42 min
Format / Bitrate 24 BIT Stereo 2429 Kbps / 96 kHz
Media WEB
Size 200; 705 MB
PriceDownload $5.95
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Tracks list

1.01 - Cleo Laine and Tubby Hayes - Old Devil Moon (Remastered) (3:54)
1.02 - Cleo Laine and Tubby Hayes - Just A-Sittin' And A-Rockin' (Remastered)
1.03 - Cleo Laine and Tubby Hayes - Mean To Me (Remastered) (2:47)
1.04 - Cleo Laine and Tubby Hayes - 'Round Midnight (Remastered) (4:18)
1.05 - Cleo Laine and Tubby Hayes - Hand Me Down Love (Remastered) (2:38)
1.06 - Cleo Laine and Tubby Hayes - I'm Gonna Sit Right Down And Write Myself A
Letter (Remastered) (3:04)
1.07 - Cleo Laine and Tubby Hayes - Ah-Leu-Cha (Remastered) (7:39)
1.08 - Cleo Laine and Tubby Hayes - Young And Foolish (Remastered) (7:56)
1.09 - Cleo Laine and Tubby Hayes - All Members (Remastered) (6:47)