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Paul Mauriat - Rain and Tears & Vole Vole Farandole '2016

Rain and Tears  & Vole Vole Farandole
ArtistPaul Mauriat Related artists
Album name Rain and Tears & Vole Vole Farandole
Date 2016
Play time 67.12
Format / Bitrate Stereo 1420 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 450 / 212 MB
PriceDownload $3.95
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Tracks list


Rain and Tears
01. Alouette (La Peregrinacion) [0:02:15.15]
02. Le Ruisseau de Mon Enfance [0:02:34.17]
03. Lady Madonna [0:02:16.71]
04. Honey [0:03:10.50]
05. This Guy's in Love with You [0:03:32.71]
06. Apres Tout [0:03:05.53]
07. Rain and Tears [0:02:26.74]
08. Eleanor Rigby [0:02:14.54]
09. Dis-Moi Ce Qui Ne Va Pas [0:02:13.47]
10. Mrs Robinson [0:03:10.10]
11. Ma Maison et La Riviere [0:02:59.34]
12. Una Canzone [0:02:09.62]

Vole Vole Farandole
13. L'orage (La Pioggia) [0:02:30.68]
14. Aquarius [0:02:33.42]
15. Sayonara [0:02:40.25]
16. Goodbye [0:02:34.16]
17. Serenade to Summertime [0:02:52.37]
18. Oh Lady Mary [0:02:38.18]
19. Vole Vole Farandole [0:02:02.72]
20. Oh Happy Day [0:03:44.71]
21. Le Meteque [0:02:42.25]
22. Get Back [0:02:47.46]
23. Isadora [0:03:05.26]
24. Silver Fingertips [0:02:38.21]

Bonus Tracks
25. Square Party [0:02:10.33]

Paul Mauriat



Live album