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Philip Catherine - 75 (Live at Flagey) '2022

75 (Live at Flagey)
ArtistPhilip Catherine Related artists
Album name 75 (Live at Flagey)
Date 2022
Play time 01:18:38
Format / Bitrate 24 BIT Stereo 1720 Kbps / 48 kHz
Media WEB
Size 183 / 454 / 852 MB
PriceDownload $6.95
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Tracks list


1. Letter From My Mother (Live at Flagey) (6:41)
2. Hello George (Live at Flagey) (12:08)
3. Seven Teas (Live at Flagey) (6:16)
4. So in Love (Live at Flagey) (5:30)
5. Smile (Live at Flagey) (1:04)
6. Bluesette (Live at Flagey) (1:32)
7. Piano Groove (Live at Flagey) (7:56)
8. You Don’t Know What Love is (Live at Flagey) (5:08)
9. We’ll Find a Way (Live at Flagey) (6:20)
10. Grand Nicolas (Live at Flagey) (3:55)
11. Nineteen Seventy Fourths (Live at Flagey) (8:47)
12. Mare di Notte (Live at Flagey) (4:33)
13. Dance for Victor, Pt. 1 (Live at Flagey) (2:06)
14. Dance for Victor, Pt. 2 (Live at Flagey) (6:46)