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Aaron Martin - The End of Medicine (Original Score) '2022

The End of Medicine (Original Score)
ArtistAaron Martin Related artists
Album name The End of Medicine (Original Score)
Date 2022
GenreModern Classical
Play time 00:48:09
Format / Bitrate 24 BIT Stereo 1420 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
Media WEB
Size 225 / 487 mb
PriceDownload $3.95
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Tracks list


01. Much Closer to Home
02. A Threat Emerges
03. From the Dust We Breathe
04. We Look at What's Passed
05. Acting as a Crucible
06. A Signal and an Oath
07. Buried in Waves
08. As Soon As I Could Speak
09. Unearthing
10. The Question of Resistance
11. Slowly Moving to Conclusion
12. The Acknowledgment of Disguise
13. That Feeling That Nothing Was Ever Going to Change
14. In Everyone We Overlook
15. Above a Clearing
16. Carrying Redemption
17. We Go Upstream
18. Emptied at River's Mouth
19. With No End in Sight

All publication of the user fantastik - IsraBox

Aaron Martin
