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Ahmad Jamal - Live in Paris (1971) '2022

Live in Paris (1971)
ArtistAhmad Jamal Related artists
Album name Live in Paris (1971)
Date 2022
Play time 00:39:45
Format / Bitrate 24 BIT Stereo 2429 Kbps / 96 kHz
Media WEB
Size 241; 865 MB
PriceDownload $6.95
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       "While be-bop musicians practise one-upmanship in terms of speed, Ahmad
Jamal develops a crystal-clear touch and praises silence: "I was an angel among
devils !
The boppers made notes explode. I let them resonate until the end of their

A reputation as an artist on the fringes perhaps explains this lack of fame he
suffered at one time. But despite the great whirlwind that is his life, Ahmad
Jamal declares that he is searching for peace: "The quest is that of musical and
internal peace. I cannot acknowledge that I am at peace, it would be dangerous
to show it. A man at peace with himself doesn't say so".

If you cannot say it, you can hear it, especially during his first concert in
Paris in a trio. Here we are transported to the upper echelons of the art of the
the master of the piano, in studio 104 of Broadcasting House, is surrounded by
brilliant accomplices, Jamil Nasser on double bass and Frank Gant on drums..."
Jérôme Badini - Les Légendes du Jazz - France Musique

Ahmad Jamal : Piano, Fender Rhodes
Jamil Nasser : Double Bass
Frank Gant : Drums

1 01. Ahmad Jamal - Bogota (Live) (15:32)
1 02. Ahmad Jamal - Manhattan Reflections (Live) (10:19)
1 03. Ahmad Jamal - Effendi (Live) (13:53) 

Ahmad Jamal




Live album