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Yves Simon - Respirer, chanter '1974

Respirer, chanter
ArtistYves Simon Related artists
Album name Respirer, chanter
Date 1974
GenreFrench chanson
Play time 00:34:04
Format / Bitrate 24 BIT Stereo 1420 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
Media CD
Size 231; 403 MB
PriceDownload $3.95
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       As an artist, French singer-songwriter Yves Simon (born in Choiseul,
France, 1944) lived two lives. On one hand, he was a writer, publishing almost
one book a year since 1971 and eventually being rewarded (in 1988 and 1991). On
the other hand, he was an almost as prolific recording artist, having released
around twenty LPs since 1967, though his two first outings remained under the
radar. He actually was spotted in 1972 with the release of an EP, Les Gauloises
Bleues, earning him major opening act opportunities (George Brassens, Maxime
LeForestier, Philippe Chatel). Though he has quit playing live from 1977 to
2007, he remained active, even if less prolific, after a set of successful
releases displaying his classic but eclectic influences, ranking from Dylan to

1 01. Yves Simon - Clo Story (03:11)
1 02. Yves Simon - Le joueur d'accordéon (02:44)
1 03. Yves Simon - Je t'emmène (02:41)
1 04. Yves Simon - Les brumes de la Seine (01:36)
1 05. Yves Simon - Moi je sais, un jour tu iras (02:21)
1 06. Yves Simon - J'ai rêvé New York (04:39)
1 07. Yves Simon - Manhattan (03:11)
1 08. Yves Simon - Demain nous ne serons plus jamais seuls (05:08)
1 09. Yves Simon - Chaque nuit, tu t'enfuis (02:58)
1 10. Yves Simon - Respirer, chanter (05:31) 

Yves Simon



Live album