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Poitín - One for the Road '2022

One for the Road
ArtistPoitín Related artists
Album name One for the Road
Date 2022
Play time 1:01:26
Format / Bitrate Stereo 1420 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 148; 388 MB
PriceDownload $3.95
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Tracks list

       Hit the road running and take a trip around the world with our new
collection of old and new tunes taking inspiration from Brittany to Argentina,
from Egypt to Ireland, from Czech Republic to England...all aboard and enjoy the

Poitín are an award-winning traditional Celtic band from Pilsen in the Czech
Republic. They explore all forms of Celtic music but are firmly grounded in the
pub session tradition and like nothing better than sitting round a table in the
corner of a cosy pub playing old favourites about tarry sailors, merry maids and
drunken nights. Poitín have performed at festivals across Europe.

1.01 - Poitín - One for the Road (3:30)
1.02 - Poitín - Blackleg Miner (2:06)
1.03 - Poitín - Kebabaladic (3:01)
1.04 - Poitín - The Maid of Amsterdam (2:57)
1.05 - Poitín - Super Moon (5:23)
1.06 - Poitín - Bonny May (3:10)
1.07 - Poitín - Mashed Mouse (2:08)
1.08 - Poitín - Dirty Old Town (3:44)
1.09 - Poitín - Aquarius Rhapsody (5:28)
1.10 - Poitín - Sam Hall (2:18)
1.11 - Poitín - Mother and Child (2:31)
1.12 - Poitín - Tabaceros (3:52)
1.13 - Poitín - Brango (3:27)
1.14 - Poitín - Claudy Banks (2:16)
1.15 - Poitín - Peacemaker (4:07)
1.16 - Poitín - The Trees They Do Grow High (3:34)
1.17 - Poitín - The Knife in the Bread (4:07)
1.18 - Poitín - Ej Žalude, Žalude (3:47) 

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