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Bookends, The - A Celtic Celebration '2023

A Celtic Celebration
ArtistBookends, The Related artists
Album name A Celtic Celebration
Date 2023
Play time 00:48:33
Format / Bitrate Stereo 1420 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 289 MB
PriceDownload $2.95
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Every year, the Stratford Symphony Orchestra embraces Celtic culture by inviting
talented artists to collaborate with the orchestra in an evening of musical
celebration. In June 2022, The Bookends capped off the SSO’s 17th Season
sharing their positive musical energy in a sold-out show that lifted spirits
when it was most needed, resulting in this memorable recording that brings
together the Celtic and Symphonic musical traditions.

The Bookends are Celtic instrumentalists who keep audiences of all ages
spellbound and fast-footed with their masterful arrangements. Building on a
library of traditional Irish and Scottish gems, they draw on rock & roll,
classical, world, and folk music to hone their own sound and pen their own
compositions – with arrangements that compel even the hardest of
metalheads to dance jigs. 

1 01. The Bookends - Greystones (05:42)
1 02. The Bookends - Waving to Muireann (06:18)
1 03. The Bookends - Dinny Donegal (03:16)
1 04. Stratford Symphony Orchestra - Braveheart (End Credits) (09:04)
1 05. The Bookends - The Allenvale Medley (07:05)
1 06. The Bookends - The Millhouse (03:02)
1 07. The Bookends - Wild Atlantic (05:17)
1 08. The Bookends - The Old Grove (03:23)
1 09. The Bookends - Salvation Contradiction (05:23)

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