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Wet Kiss - She's So Cool '2022

She's So Cool
ArtistWet Kiss Related artists
Album name She's So Cool
Date 2022
GenreArt Rock
Play time 40 min
Format / Bitrate Stereo 1420 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 274 MB
PriceDownload $2.95
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Wet Kiss is led by singer and lyricist Brenna O who conceives of the songs using
disconnected poetic phrases pasted together from her phone notes.

"I would describe the scene in my head as best I could," O says "mostly in a
non-musical way, and the band just got it. I knew exactly what I wanted, and
they knew exactly what to do."

Wet Kiss began recording for this 10-track punk drama piece in their shared
suburban warehouse which was permanently set up like one big installation. I
conducted my first meeting with the band amid their struggles with the local
council which aimed to kick them out, and from a councilman's perspective, I can
see why. Instruments strewed in every corner of this carpark wide dust hole like
a museum to lost rock relics was an eye-saw to a rapidly gentrifying
neighborhood, a museum that only existed in Brenna's wishful imaginations. Not
to mention the constant run-ins with the pigs (I'm not talking about their
Manager either but that's another story)

Brenna continues "Not everything has been radical for us y'know, the cops have
tried busting us for years now, we got this reputation on the street for getting
into some stuff we shouldn't have and making noise when we shouldn't have." She
says while stroking the hair of Wet Kiss’ drummer, girlfriend and pet dog
daniel ward also of the band, bodies. "When we started [recording] we knew it
would have to be quick, knowing the noise complaints would pile in and the cops
would come to shut down the rock and roll as soon as they could. On the last
take of Hello, I Love You the pigs hit the door down and we were on good

“Woof '' daniel adds. Though, I later realized they were just clearing
their throat as they can speak complete coherent sentences.

Brenna speaks in an almost childish shy tone which makes me feel uncomfortable
but the glint in her eye when she retells a story is alluring like an aging
alcoholic beauty. It’s hard to know what are truths and what are truthful
embellishments. The band also comprises the ball gown draped bassist Ben Sendy
who sews garments for the band’s live performances by upscaling old
clothes found on the street. I turn to them for any additional information on
the recording process but am met with a dead end “I don’t do the
interviews” Ben says to me while fingering through the ashtray like it's a
boring salad.

Wet Kiss’ fourth member is Aldo, a tall and handsome man in blue
levi’s, a white singlet and last night's eyeliner. “We basically
want to make music into a career so we don’t have to live in a warehouse
anymore” Looking genuinely concerned for his physical and mental health he
proclaims shockingly that Wet Kiss are interlocked in an ongoing contract
dispute with their management, a pig no doubt. He continues “We are moving
nowhere fast. We perform night after night at the same dive bar to the same gang
of deadbeat rats with this Pig manager breathing down our neck, right now we're
kinda trapped.”

Brenna elaborates “I met our manager Pig, online, I was doing the rounds
on one of those sexy chatrooms and we got to talking, he’s kinda charming
for a pig and it turned he was the same amount ambitious and broke we were so
signed this contract for a nightly gig, but the riches never came”

In the world of Wet Kiss humanoid dead beat punks live morally and
philosophically lost lives where punk music is a full time occupation that pays
in street-cred not dollars. I asked them what they expected for their future if
freedom was ever on the cards.

“Having the band elevated our vision” daniel barks “all of a
sudden everything was possible. We want to take this momentum and build enough
exposure so we can split this town, take a hike to greener pastures and cook
some real bacon”

The band speak like beatniks from a far gone era but they’ve arrived at a
pristine moment in culture where the lines of irony and historical ode are no
longer pastiche but a primary tool for creation. I later went to the dive bar
they perform night after night to conclude the interview over a beer. I mingled
with the local clientele, all of whom were Ratfolk, and took in the scene,
finding myself transfixed on the grime and cigarette smoke reflecting off of the
glitter and sequins. Regardless of their pretentious attitude and filthy
mattresses, the band was hot, the songs were bigger than their ego and I felt a
new energy coming on. Maybe I could get used to living in the Wet Kiss world.

- Mister Bangs

1.01 - Wet Kiss - Nobody Has to Know (2:44)
1.02 - Wet Kiss - Jerk (3:10)
1.03 - Wet Kiss - Through (5:46)
1.04 - Wet Kiss - Another Day (2:37)
1.05 - Wet Kiss - Like a Flower (5:19)
1.06 - Wet Kiss - Hello I Love You (2:19)
1.07 - Wet Kiss - Ugly (5:24)
1.08 - Wet Kiss - Sister Duress (3:47)
1.09 - Wet Kiss - Uncompromised Love Affair (5:39)
1.10 - Wet Kiss - Honey Walks Away (single edit) (3:26)

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