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Taj Mahal - Ultrasonic Studios 1974 (live) '2023

Ultrasonic Studios 1974 (live)
ArtistTaj Mahal Related artists
Album name Ultrasonic Studios 1974 (live)
Date 2023
Play time 1:05:34
Format / Bitrate Stereo 1420 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 370 / 153 MB
PriceDownload $2.95
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Tracks list


1. Intro (live) (00:18)
2. Mailbox Blues (live) (04:07)
3. Good Morning Little Schoolgirl (live) (05:52)
4. Black Jack Davey (live) (05:34)
5. Why Did You Have to Desert Me (live) (10:21)
6. Interview (live) (07:51)
7. Further On Down the Road (live) (05:27)
8. Stealin' (live) (10:28)
9. Instrumental (live) (03:47)
10. Johnny Too Bad (live) (07:13)
11. Take a Giant Step (live) (04:31)

Taj Mahal



Live album
