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Tellefs - Reel Date '2023

Reel Date
ArtistTellefs Related artists
Album name Reel Date
Date 2023
Play time 38 min
Format / Bitrate 24 BIT Stereo 2429 Kbps / 96 kHz
Media WEB
Size 224; 759 mb
PriceDownload $6.95
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Why combine Norwegian Hardanger fiddle tunes with Irish reels and jigs? The
starting point is wholly personal, and springs from how I got to know two very
different musicians: Salve Austenå taught me to play the Hardanger fiddle
over many years; Micho Russell taught me some tin whistle tunes over a period of
a few days when he was in Norway 1978/79. Salve and Micho became two of the most
important sources of inspiration for me. This of course applied to the music
they played, but even more so to how they communicated: how the focus was always
on the joy of playing and the joy of sharing a situation with others who
appreciated the music. When I learned songs from them, they were of course
concerned that I should learn them as well as possible; but at the same time, it
was clear that the songs then became mine, and that I had to give them my own
touch. Now it was up to me to use the music I had been given to create memorable
times in front of an audience, either with a small group of close friends or in
a larger concert.

1.01 - Tellefs - Prestegangaren / Wheels of the World (4:05)
1.02 - Tellefs - The Dark-Haired Gypsy / The Black Rogue / VÃ¥rnaua (6:04)
1.03 - Tellefs - Den Kaldsteikte / Fermoy Lasses (3:18)
1.04 - Tellefs - A Spailpín, a Rún / Garrett Barry’s jig / Soteroen
1.05 - Tellefs - Tinker’s Reel / Sordølen (4:31)
1.06 - Tellefs - Syng høyt min sjel / I Wish I Had a Yellow Cow (4:42)
1.07 - Tellefs - Tversovern / The Mountain Lark (3:15)
1.08 - Tellefs - VossastRil (3:36)
1.09 - Tellefs - Ein etter Neri Neset / Beauty Spot (3:00)

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