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Moody Blues, The - An Introduction to the Moody Blues '1960/2006

An Introduction to the Moody Blues
ArtistMoody Blues, The Related artists
Album name An Introduction to the Moody Blues
Date 1960/2006
GenrePsychedelic Rock
Play time 49 min
Format / Bitrate Stereo 1420 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 267 MB
PriceDownload $2.95
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As a band, the Moody Blues had two careers. There was the rockin' "Go Now!"
Denny Laine-fronted version, and then there was the mystical easy
listening/prog/psychedelia that came with Days of Future Passed and the Justin
Hayward years. Obviously, the most influential and familiar Moody Blues work
came from that later period (and the current band hardly acknowledges the
earlier formative years), but there is merit in that early incarnation. Denny
Laine had an amazing voice and a gutsy delivery that suited the Moodies' early
bluesier material well, and the band was on par with that of any of the British
Invasion groups of the time. Although Laine made his biggest mark during his
long stint with Paul McCartney's Wings, his Moodies contributions deserve more
than a mere backward glance, and there's probably no better place to get more of
the story than Fuel's 2006 collection An Introduction to the Moody Blues. From
the obvious inclusion of "Go Now!" to the not so obvious (and rare, rare, rare)
Laine and Pinder-penned single "People Gotta Go," An Introduction offers up a
complete picture of the pre-Days days and gives Laine a little more credit than
the Moodies themselves currently do.

1.01 - The Moody Blues - Go Now! (3:11)
1.02 - The Moody Blues - I'll Go Crazy (2:10)
1.03 - The Moody Blues - Something You Got (2:51)
1.04 - The Moody Blues - Can't Nobody Love You (4:01)
1.05 - The Moody Blues - I Don't Mind (3:26)
1.06 - The Moody Blues - Stop (2:05)
1.07 - The Moody Blues - It Ain't Necessarily So (3:20)
1.08 - The Moody Blues - Bye Bye Bird (2:50)
1.09 - The Moody Blues - Steal Your Heart Away (2:14)
1.10 - The Moody Blues - Lose You Money (But Don't Lose Your Mind) (1:58)
1.11 - The Moody Blues - I Don't Want To Go On Without You (2:44)
1.12 - The Moody Blues - Time Is On My Side (3:02)
1.13 - The Moody Blues - From The Bottom Of My Heart (I Love You) (3:25)
1.14 - The Moody Blues - Everyday (1:47)
1.15 - The Moody Blues - This Is My House (But Nobody Calls) (2:35)
1.16 - The Moody Blues - Life's Not Life (2:34)
1.17 - The Moody Blues - Boulevard De La Madelaine (2:53)
1.18 - The Moody Blues - People Gotta Go (2:34)

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