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Creation Rebel - Under Pressure '2023

Under Pressure
ArtistCreation Rebel Related artists
Album name Under Pressure
Date 2023
Play time 12 min
Format / Bitrate 24 BIT Stereo 1420 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
Media CD
Size 68; 136 MB
PriceDownload $1.95
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The product of the fertile and prolific British producer, mixmaster, and dub
genius Adrian Sherwood, Creation Rebel was one of Sherwood's first endeavors as
a producer. Originally the backing group for the late reggae great Prince Far-I,
Creation Rebel worked with Sherwood from 1977-1980, recording some of the best
reggae dub music this side of Lee Perry during the early English punk era.
Languorous, funky, spacy, and totally intoxicating, it's exciting to hear the
awesome production/mixing talents of Sherwood in their early days. Similarly,
the band (drummers Style Scott and Fish Clarke, bassist Clinton Jack,
keyboardist Bigga Morrison, guitarist Crucial Tony, and percussionist Slicker)
play with a grace, effortlessness, and power that most studio bands would kill
to achieve. With the band's talents so wonderfully used by Sherwood, this is
without a doubt some of the best and most important non-rock music to be made in
England in the late '70s. ~ John Dougan

1.01 - Creation Rebel - Under Pressure (3:37)
1.02 - Creation Rebel - Swiftly (The Right One) (4:17)
1.03 - Creation Rebel - That’s More Like It (4:19)

Creation Rebel
