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Alpine Dweller - Native Fluorescence '2023

Native Fluorescence
ArtistAlpine Dweller Related artists
Album name Native Fluorescence
Date 2023
Play time 46 min
Format / Bitrate 24 BIT Stereo 1420 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
Media CD
Size 107; 245; 479 MB
PriceDownload $3.95
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Tracks list

"Native Fluorescence" is the second studio album by Alpine Dweller. The album is
based on an overall concept of a journey through different places. Made
accessible by orchestral instrumentation, pictorial lyrics and sound constructs.
The fluorescent timbres shine through listening.

1.01 - Alpine Dweller - Planets (4:51)
1.02 - Alpine Dweller - Interlude 1 (0:16)
1.03 - Alpine Dweller - Loonary (4:24)
1.04 - Alpine Dweller - Wald (3:20)
1.05 - Alpine Dweller - Incensement (4:05)
1.06 - Alpine Dweller - Interlude 2 (0:25)
1.07 - Alpine Dweller - Beans (5:22)
1.08 - Alpine Dweller - Kairo / Maerz (1:43)
1.09 - Alpine Dweller - Mep (3:13)
1.10 - Alpine Dweller - Trust Inside (8:26)
1.11 - Alpine Dweller - Kraken (5:37)
1.12 - Alpine Dweller - Anagramme (4:44)

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