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Michael Moore - Waltzes, Two-Steps & Other Matters of the Heart (Live) '1999

Waltzes, Two-Steps & Other Matters of the Heart (Live)
ArtistMichael Moore Related artists
Album name Waltzes, Two-Steps & Other Matters of the Heart (Live)
Date 1999
Play time 1:04:06
Format / Bitrate Stereo 1420 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 351 MB
PriceDownload $2.95
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Tracks list


1. Waltz in Seven (Live) (05:43)
2. Full Off (Live) (05:44)
3. Gitar (Live) (12:49)
4. Gospel Waltz (Live) (12:47)
5. XI (Live) (06:33)
6. Toombow (Live) (16:56)
7. Ari (Live) (03:31)


Michael Moore - alto saxophone, clarinet, bass clarinet
Wolter Wierbos - trombone
Ernst Reijseger - cello
Mark Dresser - bass
Gerry Hemingway - drums, percussion and harmonica

Gerry Hemingway Quintet - Waltzes, Two-Steps & Other Matters of the Heart.rar -
351.8 MB

Michael Moore
