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sassenach - Passages '2023

Artistsassenach Related artists
Album name Passages
Date 2023
Play time 38 min
Format / Bitrate Stereo 1420 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 209 MB
PriceDownload $1.95
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Tracks list

Sassenach is a Gaelic word meaning "stranger" or "intruder". The stranger is
often on the move, passing through somewhere, possibly in transition to another
country or a better life. Most of the songs on our debut album, "Passages",
relate to these existential shifts and periods of transition, often unstable and
high in emotion, including the passage to the afterlife and encounters with the
supernatural world.

Jane Critchlow: lead and harmony vocals, bodhrán, percussion
Susan Palmer: harp, harmony vocals, lead vocal on A Chuachag Nam Beann,
Laurence Beaudry: violin, viola, harmony vocals, lead vocal on Au bois
Marguerite, composition
Marie-Claude Simard: cello, harmony vocals

1.01 - sassenach - Súibhán Ní Dhuibir (3:17) 
1.02 - sassenach - Spancil Hill (4:23) 
1.03 - sassenach - My Lagan Love (4:03) 
1.04 - sassenach - Le Vent Du Sud-Ouest (1:53) 
1.05 - sassenach - A Chuachag Nam Bhean (3:23) 
1.06 - sassenach - Maíri Bhan Og (4:23) 
1.07 - sassenach - MacPherson's Rant / Reel Du Pendu (5:07) 
1.08 - sassenach - Au Bois Marguerite / Valse D'automne (3:30) 
1.09 - sassenach - The Loon (4:00) 
1.10 - sassenach - Star of the County Down / Bus Stop Reel (4:26)

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