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Evelyn Kryger - Live at JazzBaltica 2021 '2022

Live at JazzBaltica 2021
ArtistEvelyn Kryger Related artists
Album name Live at JazzBaltica 2021
Date 2022
Play time 58 min
Format / Bitrate 24 BIT Stereo 2429 Kbps / 96 kHz
Media WEB
Size 344 MB; 1.1 GB
PriceDownload $9.95
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Evelyn Kryger is a band from Cologne, Hanover and Berlin. Saxophonist Cito
Kaling, violinist Rebecca Czech, pianist and keyboardist Arne Dreske, bassist
Jonas Holland-Moritz and drummer Hannes Dunker generate a flexible dramaturgy
from their different preferences and temperaments, which also holds many
surprises for the band itself. In this context, poetry is not conceivable
without energy, melancholy not without cheerfulness, curiosity not without the
certain knowledge of tradition, musical openness for the
tion, musical openness for the big picture not without pedantry in detail. The
basic ideas of the songs come about in very different ways. Sometimes a member
brings a fragment, a groove or a melodic element, which is played together
according to open rules. Often there are three or more separate ideas that are
then combined. Only in longer processes, tested over playing, do they become
complete pieces. Not infrequently, the song moves so far away from the
during this metamorphosis, the song often departs so far from the original idea
that in the end it becomes a completely different piece than initially thought.
It is precisely this impartiality for the musical result that makes Evelyn
Kryger's music so close to life. The concert at JazzBaltica could hardly be
compared to other playing situations, because the band - due to the lockdown -
had not performed in front of an audience for a whole year. The feeling of
fervent redemption can be felt in every single moment
t can be felt. There are musical personalities on stage whose purpose in life is
to play on a stage in front of people, but who have not been allowed to do so
for far too long. The band is totally with and in itself, but also completely
with and for the audience. With the CD this gives the feeling that the music is
exclusively for the two ears that are listening to it. Evelyn Kryger have long
since created their own genre and celebrate an equally ba
rierless as it is boundless music. "Live At JazzBaltica 2021" is the passport to
a sound aesthetic that not only allows associations to flow freely, but
virtually invites each listener to find the link to his or her own life.

1.01 - Evelyn Kryger - Istanbul (Live at JazzBaltica 2021) (11:22) 
1.02 - Evelyn Kryger - Balcancan (Live at JazzBaltica 2021) (8:30) 
1.03 - Evelyn Kryger - 7G (Live at JazzBaltica 2021) (6:11) 
1.04 - Evelyn Kryger - Yemen (Live at JazzBaltica 2021) (5:31) 
1.05 - Evelyn Kryger - Socarabica (Live at JazzBaltica 2021) (7:58) 
1.06 - Evelyn Kryger - Billy Wolke (Live at JazzBaltica 2021) (12:36) 
1.07 - Evelyn Kryger - Tango (Live at JazzBaltica 2021) (6:09)

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