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Jimmy Rushing - Mr. Blues '2024

Mr. Blues
ArtistJimmy Rushing Related artists
Album name Mr. Blues
Date 2024
Play time 49 min
Format / Bitrate Stereo 1420 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 260 MB
PriceDownload $2.95
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James Andrew Rushing (August 26, 1901 – June 8, 1972) was an American
singer and pianist from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, U.S., best known as the
featured vocalist of Count Basie's Orchestra from 1935 to 1948.

Rushing was a powerful singer who had a range from baritone to tenor. He has
sometimes been classified as a blues shouter. He could project his voice so that
it soared over the horn and reed sections in a big-band setting. Basie claimed
that Rushing "never had an equal" as a blues vocalist, though Rushing "really
thought of himself as a ballad singer." George Frazier, the author of Harvard
Blues, called Rushing's voice "a magnificent gargle". Dave Brubeck defined
Rushing's status among blues singers as "the daddy of them all." Late in his
life, Rushing said of his singing style, "I don't know what kind of blues singer
you'd call me. I just sing 'em." Among his best-known recordings are "Going to
Chicago", with Basie, and "Harvard Blues", with a saxophone solo by Don Byas.

1.01 - Jimmy Rushing - Good Morning Blues (5:19) 
1.02 - Jimmy Rushing - See See Rider (5:14) 
1.03 - Jimmy Rushing - Take Me Back, Baby (2:39) 
1.04 - Jimmy Rushing - Sent for You Yesterday (Here You Come Today) (3:40) 
1.05 - Jimmy Rushing - Roll'em Pete (4:34) 
1.06 - Jimmy Rushing - My Friend Mr. Blues (5:03) 
1.07 - Jimmy Rushing - Every Day (I Have the Blues) (5:40) 
1.08 - Jimmy Rushing - Sometimes I Think I Do (6:34) 
1.09 - Jimmy Rushing - Take Me with You, Baby (5:02) 
1.10 - Jimmy Rushing - Evenin' (5:31)