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Ken Boothe - Freedom Street '2024

Freedom Street
ArtistKen Boothe Related artists
Album name Freedom Street
Date 2024
Play time 37:03
Format / Bitrate 24 BIT Stereo 2429 Kbps / 96 kHz
Media WEB
Size 170; 648 mb
PriceDownload $5.95
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Tracks list

Ken Boothe was the most soulful singer of the rocksteady era, often likened to a
Jamaican Wilson Pickett, and his mid-'60s recordings for Clement "Coxsone"
Dodd's Studio One label were and are among the genre's most coveted sides. In
1970, he moved to Leslie Kong's Beverley's imprint for this album, which
continued his string of hits with the songs "Why Baby Why," "Now I Know," and
the title tune, "Freedom Street." 

1.01 - KEN BOOTHE - Freedom Street (2:46) 
1.02 - KEN BOOTHE - Why Baby Why (2:20) 
1.03 - KEN BOOTHE - Mr. Wind (2:13) 
1.04 - KEN BOOTHE - It's Gonna Take a Miracle (2:28) 
1.05 - KEN BOOTHE - Love and Unity (2:23) 
1.06 - KEN BOOTHE - Drums of Freedom (2:52) 
1.07 - KEN BOOTHE - Now I Know (2:29) 
1.08 - KEN BOOTHE - In the Summertime (2:35) 
1.09 - KEN BOOTHE - Get Close to You (2:24) 
1.10 - KEN BOOTHE - Satisfaction (1:56) 
1.11 - KEN BOOTHE - I Wish It Could Be Peaceful Again (3:50) 
1.12 - KEN BOOTHE - I Wish It Could Be Peaceful Again (Instrumental Version)
1.13 - KEN BOOTHE - Your Feeling and Mine (2:30) 
1.14 - KEN BOOTHE - Your Feeling and Mine (Instrumental Version) (2:28)

Ken Boothe

