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Judah & the Lion - The Process '2024

The Process
ArtistJudah & the Lion Related artists
Album name The Process
Date 2024
Play time 60 min
Format / Bitrate 24 BIT Stereo 1420 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
Media CD
Size 285; 516; 830 MB
PriceDownload $6.95
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Tracks list

Judah & the Lion's forthcoming album, "The Process," (coming May 10) was
inspired by singer Judah Akers' personal life and struggles. In looking towards
going into the studio, Akers realized that he needed to be honest to be able to
write music again. Inspired by Kübler-Ross' five stages of grief, the album
became a song-cycle through the stages of grief through the lens of eventual
forgiveness and hope. Having navigated "The Process," both Akers and partner in
crime, mandolinist, Brian Macdonald have emerged with a record that is buoyant,
impassioned and emotionally connective. The band has a reinvigorated sense of
purpose with its aim to create music that resonates deeply, believing in
music’s power to connect people and make them feel less alone in
life’s journey.

1.01 - Judah & the Lion - DENIAL (1:52) 
1.02 - Judah & the Lion - Heartbreak Syndrome (3:47) 
1.03 - Judah & the Lion - F LA (2:59) 
1.04 - Judah & the Lion - ANGER (0:43) 
1.05 - Judah & the Lion - Floating in the Night (3:41) 
1.06 - Judah & the Lion - Great Decisions (2:56) 
1.07 - Judah & the Lion, K.Flay - Son of a Gun (3:13) 
1.08 - Judah & the Lion - BARGAINING (1:21) 
1.09 - Judah & the Lion - Starting Over (3:49) 
1.10 - Judah & the Lion - Is What It Is (3:57) 
1.11 - Judah & the Lion - DEPRESSION (1:11) 
1.12 - Judah & the Lion - Self-Inflicted Wounds (6:21) 
1.13 - Judah & the Lion - S.I.S. (4:04) 
1.14 - Judah & the Lion - Only Want The Best (4:15) 
1.15 - Judah & the Lion - ACCEPTANCE (1:49) 
1.16 - Judah & the Lion - Long Dark Night (3:09) 
1.17 - Judah & the Lion - Heart Medicine (2:45) 
1.18 - Ruston Kelly, Judah & the Lion - Leave It Better Than You Found It (4:46)

1.19 - Judah & the Lion - Sweet Surrender (3:44)

Judah & the Lion
