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Henry Kaiser - Astral Plane Crash '2018

Astral Plane Crash
ArtistHenry Kaiser Related artists
Album name Astral Plane Crash
Date 2018
Play time 79 min
Format / Bitrate Stereo 2429 Kbps / 96 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media WEB
Size 1.6 GB
PriceDownload $8.95
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"Astral Plane Crash" features almost 80 full minutes of detailed, colorful and
communicative free improvisation by a special quintet of veteran musicians
including Vinny Golia (reeds), Ra Kalam Bob Moses (drums), Henry Kaiser
(guitar), Damon Smith (bass) and Weasel Walter (drums). The core PLANE CRASH
trio of Kaiser, Smith and Walter is a long-running unit, having worked together
extensively in numerous contexts on releases like "Plane Crash" (ugEXPLODE,
2009) and "Plane Crash Two" (New Atlantis, 2015). Kaiser was amongst the first
wave of 1970's US free improvisers and his diverse, endless discography is
legendary. Since 2005, the versatile rhythm section of Smith and Walter has
collaborated on almost 25 releases together. Los Angeles-based workhorse
mult-reedist Vinny Golia and mythic journeyman drummer Ra Kalam Bob Moses join
the fray here in their first time musical meeting. Golia brings a virtuoso
articulation to a wide range of woodwind instruments here, multiplying the
timbral variety of the group sound greatly. Those more familiar with Moses as a
first rate jazz drummer for icons like Gary Burton, Steve Swallow, Pat Metheny &
Dave Leibman may surprised at his current advanced free improvisation concept
documented here. The results resound with clarity, as space opens up
spontaneously for every combination of the players, all captured in a
beautifully transparent studio mix. Although the momentum is constant, this
isn't another blaring energy music blow-out - the density crackles with
sensitivity, support and mutual respect. This quintet unleashes an orchestral
arsenal of articulated abstraction and explores longer narrative lines,
culminating in the two epic forms revealed here. The release comes with a 12
page color booklet featuring the stunning artwork of artist Jordan Belson as a
mystical visual counterpart to the sonic mindscapes of the audio. 

Vinny Golia - kawala (Egyptian flute) sopranino, soprano, baritone
saxophones, saxello, Bb clarinet, piccolo
Henry Kaiser - guitar
Ra-Kalam Bob Moses - drums, percussion
Damon Smith - amplified double bass
Weasel Walter - drums, percussion

1.01 - Henry Kaiser, Damon Smith, Weasel Walter, Vinny Golia, Ra Kalam Bob Moses
- Fountain of Dreams (44:16) 
1.02 - Henry Kaiser, Damon Smith, Weasel Walter, Vinny Golia, Ra Kalam Bob Moses
- Mysterious Journey (35:30)