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Soft Machine - Amsterdam Paradiso (Live) '2024

Amsterdam Paradiso (Live)
ArtistSoft Machine Related artists
Album name Amsterdam Paradiso (Live)
Date 2024
GenreRock,Progressive Rock,Psychedelic Rock,Jazz Rock
Play time 32:38
Format / Bitrate Stereo 1420 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 213 MB
PriceDownload $1.95
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Tracks list


1. Hulloder (Live) (00:25)
2. Dada Was Here (Live) (08:21)
3. Thank You Pierrot Lunaire (Live) (00:45)
4. Have You Ever Been Green? (Live) (00:57)
5. Pataphysical Introduction Pt. 2 (Live) (01:01)
6. Hibou, Anemone and Bear (Live) (04:19)
7. Pig (Live) (04:21)
8. Orange Skin Food (Live) (00:15)
9. A Door Opens and Closes (Live) (01:17)
10. 10.30 Returns to the Bedroom (Live) (10:51)

Soft Machine



Live album