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John Zorn - The Bribe '1998

The Bribe
ArtistJohn Zorn Related artists
Album name The Bribe
Date 1998
GenreJazz,Contemporary Jazz
Play time 1:18:47
Format / Bitrate Stereo 1420 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 479 MB
PriceDownload $3.95
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Tracks list


1. Gill's Theme (02:07)
2. Hydrant Of The Vogue (00:41)
3. The Big Freeze (01:01)
4. Meters (02:24)
5. The Bridge / Cocktails (04:06)
6. The Willies (01:01)
7. The Taxman Cometh (01:16)
8. Night Walk (01:09)
9. Skit Rhesus (02:43)
10. The Boxer (00:59)
11. Trick Or Treat (03:22)
12. The Latin Trip / Gill's Theme (03:30)
13. A Taste Of Voodoo (03:20)
14. Inhaling The Image (01:49)
15. City Chase (03:27)
16. Dreams Of The Red Chamber (11:38)
17. Rash Acts (01:30)
18. Chippewa (01:24)
19. The Hour Of Thirteen (00:47)
20. Radio Mouth / Gill's Theme (02:57)
21. Midnight Streets (03:58)
22. Victoria Lake (03:12)
23. Strip Central (05:26)
24. Pink Limousine (09:18)
25. Skyline (03:19)
26. Ordinary Lies / Gill's Theme (02:04)

John Zorn - The Bribe.rar -  479.1 MB