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Stray Cats - Don't Cross My Path (Live Chicago '83) '2024

Don't Cross My Path (Live Chicago '83)
ArtistStray Cats Related artists
Album name Don't Cross My Path (Live Chicago '83)
Date 2024
GenreRockabilly,Rock and Roll
Play time 52:51
Format / Bitrate Stereo 1420 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 337 MB
PriceDownload $2.95
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Tracks list


1. Baby Blue Eyes (Live) (03:27)
2. Double Talkin' Baby (Live) (03:36)
3. Rumble In Brighton (Live) (03:39)
4. Drink That Bottle Down (Live) (05:01)
5. Built For Speed (Live) (05:37)
6. Look At That Cadillac (Live) (04:05)
7. Runaway Boys (Live) (03:16)
8. Lonely Summer Nights (Live) (03:47)
9. Too Hip, Gotta Go (Live) (02:27)
10. Stray Cat Strut (Live) (04:16)
11. (She's) Sexy & 17 (Live) (03:17)
12. I Won't Stand In Your Way (Live) (04:08)
13. Rock This Town (Live) (06:11)

Stray Cats




Live album