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Bruce Johnston - Surfin' 'Round The World (With Bonus Tracks) '1963

Surfin' 'Round The World (With Bonus Tracks)
ArtistBruce Johnston Related artists
Album name Surfin' 'Round The World (With Bonus Tracks)
Date 1963
GenrePop Rock,Surf
Play time 00:34:34
Format / Bitrate Stereo 1420 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
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PriceDownload $0.95
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       Review by Cub Koda

Bruce Johnston had quite a prolific recording career prior to being tabbed as a
Beach Boy of the future, and this self-produced effort was one of the more
notable installments. From the "Twistin' U.S.A."-styled knockoff title song,
this is a really fun album, despite the rigidness of the concept inherent in the
title. Noisy tracks like "Hot Pastrami, Mashed Potatoes, Come on to
Rincon-Yeah!!!" sit nicely next to the jazzy but rockin' "Surf Nova," the eerie
but beautiful instrumental "Maksha at Midnight," the gas'n'go romp of
"Capetown," and the experimental fuzz ravers "Jersey Channel Islands, Pt. 7" and
"Virginia Beach." Even portents of Johnston's future rear their stylistic heads
on "The Hamptons" and "Surfin's Here to Stay." Falling stylistically somewhere
between the frat rock party noise of Surfers' Pajama Party and his later, more
streamlined hot rod efforts with Terry Melcher, this is one fun, rockin' album
indeed. [Originally released in 1963, Surfin' 'Round the World was reissued on a
Japanese import-only CD in 2006.] 

1 Surfin' 'Round The World
2 Makaha At Midnight
3 Down Under
4 Capetown
5 Biarritz
6 Jersey Channel Islands (Part 7)
7 The Hamptons
8 Virginia Beach
9 Surf-A-Nova
10 Hot Pastrami, Mashed Potatoes, Come On To Rincon - Yeah!!!
11 Malibu
12 Surfin's Here To Stay
13 Down Under (Instrumental)
14 The Hamptons (Instrumental)
15 Surfin' 'Round The World (Alternate version) 

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