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Philippe Sarde - Il faut tuer Birgitt Haas '2025

Il faut tuer Birgitt Haas
ArtistPhilippe Sarde Related artists
Album name Il faut tuer Birgitt Haas
Date 2025
GenreFilm Soundtracks
Play time 00:23:10
Format / Bitrate 24 BIT Stereo 1420 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
Media WEB
Size 117; 232 MB
PriceDownload $1.95
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       Philippe Sarde is a French composer who exclusively writes music for
cinema. He is the author of soundtracks for more than 200 films. In addition to
French cinema, Sarde has worked on films from Italian, German, Spanish, English,
and American productions.

He is the older brother of the well-known film producer Alain Sarde.

"Birgitt Haas Must Be Killed" (French: Il faut tuer Birgitt Haas) is a 1981
French-West German political thriller directed by Laurent Heynemann. The film
stars Philippe Noiret, Jean Rochefort, and Lisa Kreuzer and is adapted from Guy
Teisseire's novel L'histoire de Birgitt Haas.

1-1 Philippe Sarde - Il faut tuer Birgitt Haas - La femme dangereuse
1-2 Philippe Sarde - Il faut tuer Birgitt Haas - Filature dans Munich
1-3 Philippe Sarde - Il faut tuer Birgitt Haas - Sur le lac gelé
1-4 Philippe Sarde - Il faut tuer Birgitt Haas - Disparue
1-5 Philippe Sarde - Il faut tuer Birgitt Haas - Athanase
1-6 Philippe Sarde - Il faut tuer Birgitt Haas - On ne peut plus dire à sa
femme qu'on l'aime
1-7 Philippe Sarde - Il faut tuer Birgitt Haas - Au bord de l'Isar
1-8 Philippe Sarde - Il faut tuer Birgitt Haas - Une nuit d'amour, pas une
histoire d'amour
1-9 Philippe Sarde - Il faut tuer Birgitt Haas - Le jardin Anglais
1-10 Philippe Sarde - Il faut tuer Birgitt Haas - Birgitt prisonnière