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John Williams - Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade (Expanded, CD2) OST '1989

Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade (Expanded, CD2) OST
ArtistJohn Williams Related artists
Album name Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade (Expanded, CD2) OST
Date 1989
Play time 01:21:44
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 560 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 339.54 Mb
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Play List

  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
1. & Curt Sobel - Venice, Fortune Teller
2. & Curt Sobel - Briefing, Assignment Vlad
3. & Curt Sobel - Off to Ramania
4. & Curt Sobel - Meeting Nicolas
5. & Curt Sobel - Climb Every Mountain
6. & Curt Sobel - Castle Heights, Hanging Corpses
7. & Curt Sobel - Lightning
8. & Curt Sobel - Dripping Blood
9. & Curt Sobel - Death in your pocket
10. & Curt Sobel - Ice Room
11. & Curt Sobel - Vlad the Impaler
12. & Curt Sobel - Dinner Anyone?
13. & Curt Sobel - Lull them to sleep
14. & Curt Sobel - Tower of Tortures
15. & Curt Sobel - Bloodletting, Stabbed in the back
16. & Curt Sobel - Four Roads meet
17. & Curt Sobel - Resurrected, Indy fights Vlad
18. & Curt Sobel - Forest Reckoning
19. & Curt Sobel - I'd stake his like on it, Halloween
20. & Curt Sobel - The Portuguese Coast 1938
21. & Curt Sobel - Packet from Dad, To Donovan's House
22. & Curt Sobel - The Legend of the Holy Grail
23. & Curt Sobel - The Diary of Professor Jones
24. & Curt Sobel - Into the Catacombs
25. & Curt Sobel - To Castle Brunwald
26. & Curt Sobel - Searching for Doctor Jones
27. & Curt Sobel - The Two Joneses
28. & Curt Sobel - Elsa's Betrayal
29. & Curt Sobel - Marcus in Iskenderum
30. & Curt Sobel - The Kiss
31. & Curt Sobel - The Road to Berlin
32. & Curt Sobel - The Berlin Air Terminal
33. & Curt Sobel - Leaving the Zeppelin
34. & Curt Sobel - Death of the Messenger from God, Failed Rescue
35. & Curt Sobel - The Pen is Mightier than the Sword
36. & Curt Sobel - Professor Jones is Shot, The Penitent Man will pass
37. & Curt Sobel - Donovan's Death, Henry is healed
38. & Curt Sobel - Indy's Fanfare #1
39. & Curt Sobel - Indy's Fanfare #2
40. & Curt Sobel - Indy's Fanfare #3

Archive content

John Williams


