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Bob Dylan - The Cutting Edge 1965-1966 (The Bootleg Series Vol. 12) '2015 (US, Part 7)

The Cutting Edge 1965-1966 (The Bootleg Series Vol. 12)
ArtistBob Dylan Related artists
Album name The Cutting Edge 1965-1966 (The Bootleg Series Vol. 12)
Country US, Part 7
Date 2015
GenreFolk Rock
Play time 01:39:02
Format / Bitrate 24 BIT FLAC Stereo 2997 Kbps / 96 kHz
Media WEB
Size 1533.33 Mb
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Play List

  • Quality
  • MP3 320 kbps
  • Hi-Res 24-bit | upto 96 kHz
MP3 320 kbps   
1. Disc 17
2. 1966) False Start
3. 1966) Breakdown
4. 1966) Complete
5. 1966) Released on Blonde on Blonde, 1966
6. 1966) Released on Blonde on Blonde, 1966
7. 1966) Rehearsal
8. 1966) Complete
9. 1966) Breakdown
10. 1966) Rehearsal, False Start
11. 1966) Complete
12. 1966) Released on Blonde on Blonde, 1966
13. 1966) Insert, Guitar Overdub
14. Disc 18
15. 1965) Savoy Hotel, London
16. 1965) Savoy Hotel, London
17. 1965) Savoy Hotel, London
18. 1965) Savoy Hotel, London
19. 65) Savoy Hotel, London
20. 1965) Savoy Hotel, London
21. 1965) Savoy Hotel, London
22. 1965) Savoy Hotel, London
23. 1966) North British Station Hotel, Glasgow, Scotland
24. 1966) North British Station Hotel, Glasgow, Scotland
25. 1966) North British Station Hotel, Glasgow, Scotland
26. 1966) North British Station Hotel, Glasgow, Scotland
27. 1966) North British Station Hotel, Glasgow, Scotland
28. 1966) North British Station Hotel, Glasgow, Scotland
29. 1966) Denver, Colorado Hotel Room
30. 1966) Denver, Colorado Hotel Room
31. 1966) Denver, Colorado Hotel Room
32. 1966) Denver, Colorado Hotel Room
33. 1966) Denver, Colorado Hotel Room
34. 1966) Denver, Colorado Hotel Room
35. 1966) Denver, Colorado Hotel Room

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Bob Dylan





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