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The Beach Boys - The Smile Sessions '2011 (5099902766324, EU)

The Smile Sessions
ArtistThe Beach Boys Related artists
Album name The Smile Sessions
Country 5099902766324, EU
Date 2011
Play time 02:23:28
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 673 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 730.04 Mb
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Play List

  • Quality
  • MP3 320 kbps
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
MP3 320 kbps   
CD 1
1. Our Prayer
2. Gee
3. Heroes And Villains
4. Do You Like Worms
5. I'm In Great Shape
6. Barnyard
7. My Only Sunshine
8. Cabin Essence
9. Wonderful
10. Look
11. Child Is Father Of The Man
12. Surf's Up
13. Workshop
14. Vega-Tables
15. Holidays
16. Wind Chimes
17. The Elements: Fire
18. Love To Say Dada
19. Good Vibrations
20. You're Welcome
21. Heroes And Villains [Stereo Mix]
22. Heroes And Villains Sections [Stereo Mix]
23. Vega-Tables [Demo]
24. He Gives Speeches
25. Smile Backing Vocals Montage
26. Surf's Up 1967 [Solo Version]
27. Psycodelic Sounds: Brian Falls Into A Piano
28. Smile Retail Promo Advert
CD 2
1. Our Prayer
2. Heroes And Villians
3. Heroes And Villians
4. Heroes And Villians-Children Were Raised
5. Heroes And Villians-Prelude To Fade
6. My Only Sunshine
7. Cabin Essence
8. Surf's Up-1st Movement
9. Surf's Up-Piano Demo
10. Vega-Tables-Fade
11. The Elements-Fire Session
12. Cool, Cool Water
13. Good Vibrations
14. Psycodelic Sounds-Brian Falls Into A Microphone

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The Beach Boys




Live album