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The Beach Boys - Smile Sessions '2011 (5CD boxset)

Smile Sessions
ArtistThe Beach Boys Related artists
Album name Smile Sessions
Country 5CD boxset
Date 2011
GenrePop Rock
Play time 06:37:43
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 672 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 1881.68 Mb
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Play List

  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
1. Our Prayer
2. Gee
3. Heroes And Villains
4. Do You Like Worms
5. I'm In Great Shape
6. Barnyard
7. My Only Sunshine
8. Cabin Essence
9. Wonderful
10. Look
11. Child Is Father Of The Man
12. Surf's Up
13. I Wanna Be Around+Workshop
14. Vega-Tables
15. Holidays
16. Wind Chimes
17. The Elements, Fire
18. Love To Say Dada
19. Good Vibrations
20. You're Welcome
21. Heroes And Villains
22. Heroes And Villains Sections
23. Vega-Tables Demo
24. He Gives Speeches
25. Smile Backing Vocals Montage
26. Surf's Up
27. Psycodelic Sounds. Brian Falls Into A Piano
28. Smile Retail Promo Advert
29. Beach Boys - Our Prayer [dialog]
30. Beach Boys - Our Prayer
31. Beach Boys - Heroes and Villains: Verse [master take]
32. Beach Boys - Heroes and Villains: Barnyard [master take]
33. Beach Boys - Heroes and Villains: I'm in Great Shape
34. Beach Boys - Heroes and Villains: Intro [early version]
35. Beach Boys - Heroes and Villains: Do a Lot
36. Beach Boys - Heroes and Villains: Bag of Tricks
37. Beach Boys - Heroes and Villains: Mission Pak
38. Beach Boys - Heroes and Villains: Bridge to Indians
39. Beach Boys - Heroes and Villains: Part 1 Tag
40. Beach Boys - Heroes and Villains: Pickup to 3rd Verse
41. Beach Boys - Heroes and Villains: Children Were Raised
42. Beach Boys - Heroes and Villains: Part 2 [Cantina track]
43. Beach Boys - Heroes and Villains: Whistling Bridge
44. Beach Boys - Heroes and Villains: Cantina
45. Beach Boys - Heroes and Villains: All Day
46. Beach Boys - Heroes and Villains: Verse Edit Experiment
47. Beach Boys - Heroes and Villains: Prelude to Fade
48. Beach Boys - Heroes and Villains: Piano Theme
49. Beach Boys - Heroes and Villains: Part 2
50. Beach Boys - Heroes and Villains: Part 2 [master take]
51. Beach Boys - Heroes and Villains: Part 2 Revised
52. Beach Boys - Heroes and Villains: Part 2 Revised [master take]
53. Beach Boys - Heroes and Villains: Part 3 [master take]
54. Beach Boys - Heroes and Villains: Part 4
55. Beach Boys - Heroes and Villains: Part Two [master take]
56. Beach Boys - Heroes and Villains: Fade
57. Beach Boys - Heroes and Villains: Verse [remake]
58. Heroes and Villains: Organ Waltz - Intro
59. Beach Boys - Heroes and Villains: Chorus Vocals
60. Beach Boys - Heroes and Villains: Barbershop
61. Beach Boys - Heroes and Villains: Children Were Raised [remake]
62. Beach Boys - Heroes and Villains: Children Were Raised [master take overdubs mix 1]
63. Beach Boys - Heroes and Villains: Children Were Raised [master take a capella]
64. Heroes and Villains: Piano Demo
65. Beach Boys - Psycodelic Sounds: Brian Falls into a Microphone
66. Beach Boys - Psycodelic Sounds: Moaning Laughing
67. Do You Like Worms: Part 1
68. Do You Like Worms: Part 2
69. Do You Like Worms: Part 3
70. Do You Like Worms: Part 4
71. Do You Like Worms: Bicycle Rider Overdubs
72. My Only Sunshine: Parts 1 & 2
73. My Only Sunshine: Part 2 [master take with vocal overdubs]
74. Cabin Essence: Verse
75. Cabin Essence: Chorus
76. Cabin Essence: Tag
77. Wonderful [version 1]
78. Wonderful [version 2]
79. Wonderful [version 2 tag]
80. Wonderful [version 3]
81. Look
82. Child Is Father of the Man [version 1]
83. Child Is Father of the Man [version 2]
84. Surf's Up: 1st Movement
85. Surf's Up: Talking Horns
86. Surf's Up: Piano Demo [master take]
87. I Wanna Be Around - Workshop
88. Vega-Tables: Verse [master take track]
89. Vega-Tables: Sleep a Lot [chorus]
90. Vega-Tables: Chorus 1 [master take]
91. Vega-Tables: 2nd Chorus [master take track and backing vocals]
92. Vega-Tables: Insert [master take]
93. Vega-Tables: Crunching Session
94. Workshop Session
95. Vega-Tables: Fade
96. Vega-Tables: Ballad Insert
97. Holidays
98. Wind Chimes [version 1]
99. Wind Chimes [version 2]
100. Wind Chimes [version 2 tag]
101. Elements: Fire
102. Love to Say Dada [taped piano strings]
103. Love to Say Dada [Fender Rhodes]
104. Love to Say Dada: Part 1
105. Love to Say Dada: Part 2
106. Love to Say Dada: Part 2 [master take]
107. Love to Say Dada: Part 2 [second day]
108. Cool Cool Water [version 1]
109. Cool Cool Water [version 2]
110. You're Welcome
111. You're With Me Tonight
112. Tune X [Carl Wilson]
113. I Don't Know [Dennis Wilson]
114. Three Blind Mice
115. Tetter Totter Love [Jasper Daily]
116. Psycodelic Sounds: Underwater Chant
117. Hal Blaine Vega-Tables Promo Session
118. Heroes and Villains: Early Version Outtake Sessions
119. Elements: Fire [burning wood session]
120. Good Vibrations: Gold Star
121. Good Vibrations: Gold Star
122. Good Vibrations: Western
123. Good Vibrations: Western
124. Good Vibrations: Sunset Sound
125. Good Vibrations: Sunset Sound
126. Good Vibrations: Sunset Sound
127. Good Vibrations: Western
128. Good Vibrations: Western
129. Good Vibrations: Western
130. Good Vibrations : Western
131. Good Vibrations : Western
132. Good Vibrations : Western
133. Good Vibrations: Western
134. Good Vibrations: Western
135. Good Vibrations: Western
136. Good Vibrations: Western
137. Good Vibrations: Western
138. Good Vibrations : Western
139. Good Vibrations: Western
140. Good Vibrations: Session Masters
141. Good Vibrations: Single Version Stereo Track
142. Good Good Good Vibrations
143. Good Vibrations: Alternate Edit
144. Good Vibrations: Tape Rewind

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The Beach Boys




Live album