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Gottlieb Wallisch - The Bird of Life '2022

The Bird of Life
ArtistGottlieb Wallisch Related artists
Album name The Bird of Life
Date 2022
Play time 01:10:03
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 1420 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media WEB
Size 286.38 Mb
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Play List

  • Quality
  • MP3 320 kbps
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
MP3 320 kbps   
1. Birgit Ramsl - Burleske, Op. 11
2. Birgit Ramsl - Oiseau de la vie: I. Oiseau doux de la nuit
3. Birgit Ramsl - Oiseau de la vie: II. Oiseau joyeux a l'aube
4. Birgit Ramsl - Oiseau de la vie: III. Oiseau ravi du midi
5. Birgit Ramsl - Oiseau de la vie: IV. Chant d'adieu au soleil couchant
6. Birgit Ramsl - Serenade-Caprice
7. Birgit Ramsl - 3 Tanze fur Floten: No. 1, Hirtenweise
8. Birgit Ramsl - 3 Tanze fur Floten: No. 2a, Opfertanz. Adagio
9. Birgit Ramsl - 3 Tanze fur Floten: No. 2b, Opfertanz. Un poco piuY mosso
10. Birgit Ramsl - 3 Tanze fur Floten: No. 2c, Opfertanz. Canone all'ottava e inversione nello specchio
11. Birgit Ramsl - 3 Tanze fur Floten: No. 3, Variationen im alten stil
12. Birgit Ramsl - 3 Pieces for Flute & Piano: No. 1, Lento
13. Birgit Ramsl - 3 Pieces for Flute & Piano: No. 2, Scherzo
14. Birgit Ramsl - 3 Pieces for Flute & Piano: No. 3, Lento
15. Birgit Ramsl - Sonata for Solo Flute, Op. 43: I. Allegro giocoso
16. Birgit Ramsl - Sonata for Solo Flute, Op. 43: II. Andante
17. Birgit Ramsl - Sonata for Solo Flute, Op. 43: III. Allegro con grazia
18. Birgit Ramsl - MeYlodie for Flute & Piano
19. Birgit Ramsl - Scherzo for Flute & Piano, H. 174a
20. Birgit Ramsl - Flute Sonata, Op. 32: I. Allegro
21. Birgit Ramsl - Flute Sonata, Op. 32: II. Calmo
22. Birgit Ramsl - Flute Sonata, Op. 32: III. Allegro energico

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