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Gottlieb Wallisch - 20th Century Foxtrots, Vol. 4: France & Belgium '2022

20th Century Foxtrots, Vol. 4: France & Belgium
ArtistGottlieb Wallisch Related artists
Album name 20th Century Foxtrots, Vol. 4: France & Belgium
Date 2022
Play time 01:15:06
Format / Bitrate 24 BIT FLAC Stereo 1947 Kbps / 96 kHz
Media WEB
Size 1036.05 Mb
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Play List

  • Quality
  • Hi-Res 24-bit | upto 96 kHz
Hi-Res 24-bit | upto 96 kHz
1. Tango
2. La diva de l'empire
3. IV. Rag-Time du paquebot
4. Caramel mou, Op. 68
5. No. 1, Come Along
6. No. 2, Far Away
7. Tango chante
8. Piece en forme de rag
9. No. 6, Rag
10. I. Rideau-Girls
11. Charleston
12. Los Enamorados
13. Little Black Man
14. Five O'Clock Fox-Trot
15. Haarlem
16. The White Village One-Step
17. The Bacchante
18. No. 3, Boston valse
19. No. 5, Rag-Nocturne
20. Magic-Park [Arr. for Piano]
21. Tango-Nocturne [Arr. for Piano]
22. Biarritz-Fox [Arr. for Piano]
23. Burlesque-Fox [Arr. for Piano]
24. Fox [Arr. for Piano]
25. Jumbo's Two-Step
26. Siberia
27. Jazz fantaisie
28. Montparnasse
29. Wiener Luft
30. Tragische Tango

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